is when the husband called this morning and said the doc gave the clearance for jerry to discharge! all that patting and loosening of the phlegm helped!   its the best thing to beat the Monday blues. I can’t be happier.   p.s. the above picture is taken at sunday morning at 6am. just before he fell and hit his head. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • high on drugs.

    literally. check out jerry’s damn high face. and ignore that huge bruise because he fell face down from the sofa couple of days ago.   p.s. the picture above is a case of bad timing. my little brave trooper has been really brave, taking in all the nebulizing sessions in his stride every 2hrly. ok. except the first one in the morning when he was really sick and cranky. he probably realise the good of it thereafter.   Meanwhile, it seems like baby is on the mend while mummy here is suffering from intense sleep deprivation and I’m currently on watch over duty tonight (or yesterday since I wrote the…

  • Reporting live from the hotel.. At Thomson.

    Ok. So I survived through the night of contractions, turning/tossing on my bed. Found out the reason why I was in pain ever since I left the clinic. My gynae already induced me! He inserted a tablet and I tell you, my worse hr was spent at the lobby last night, alternating between pain and finding a comfy position. I was super unglam, but who cares?! The admission procedures took more than 30mins and I survived on my own for that long… And the boy almost had to head home and leave me here, cos there are no more single rooms. He upgraded my room to a premium single! Wah,…

  • of my a&e experience.

    one last post before im cuddling up in bed with my babies. took some photos to commemorate that i was in tts.h a&e last week. all the mask wearing and some of the very extensive gear that the clinical staff are wearing really makes me feel like i am flu patient. especially when the screening nurse heard that i am in big pain. she went… are you running any fever?! what about cough, running nose? it’s the way she asked that makes me feel im being scrutinised, and like im having some disease. maybe it’s an over reaction, or maybe it’s just her usual way of asking.. but still. that’s…

  • the scare.

    and so, i am on 2 days MC, extending my long weekend to an even longer weekend. depending on how u look at it, it could be good news or bad. it’s bad for me because its a busy week and i have loads to clear. so even though i am on MC, i am still sending out emails and checking my mails before the medication knocks me out. so what exactly happened? i have no friggin’ idea man. the pain just intensified as time goes by. when i finally reached singapore at 4.45pm, the GP was closed and i found a comfortable spot to lie down in bed for…