5 Christmas gift ideas for the husband!
Christmas is just days away… and I know many people are still doing their last minute shopping for Christmas gifts. I..uhh.. admit to be one of them. I still need to get a few more gifts. Shopping for ideal gifts can sometimes be quite a pain! Every year, I crack my head on what Christmas gift to buy for my husband. This year, I brainstormed long and hard way in advance and here’s 5 gift ideas for husbands. 1. An Omega Watch Every one needs a watch to tell the time. Ok, maybe in this time and era, most people can tell time from their mobile phones. But a watch can be a…
Daiso 101 – 15 Useful Things from Daiso and what I do with them.
I confess, I am a Daiso-holic. And I know there are a lot of you out there who are the same, and maybe some of you choose to be closet ones, but still… I know a lot cannot resist the lure of stepping in and just browsing around, right? Com’on, there is no shame. We are all just super good at saving money and buying useful things at a fraction of their price sometimes. Other times, it’s for convenience sake! I… (much to the horror of my husband) often lug huge bags home from Daiso. My husband has a phobia each time I go near a store, but he doesn’t really…
What to consider when buying stroller – The ultimate stroller guide
What do i have to consider when buying a stroller? I get that question a lot. Especially from friends who have kids after i did and are clueless about what to look out for when shopping for a stroller. I totally get it. There are so many brands, types, shapes and sizes and it seriously can get overwhelming. I know, i have been there. So i am going try to attempt knowledge transfer today and come up with a “What to look out for when buying a stroller” guide. There is no perfect stroller in the world, because everyone has different expectations and requirements and before you get out there…
Black Friday Shopping – ASH Sneakers
it’s the best thing ever that happened to me in weeks. I’m a little over-worked these couple of weeks and coupled with all that’s happening after moving into the new household, i have been pretty overwhelmed. I really need some retail therapy. And the best thing yet? i managed to score the pair of punk-looking ASH sneakers that i have been eyeing for weeks! YAY! ASH Viking Sneakers – Coolest pair of shoes/sneakers that i ever bought. If you have followed me on instagram, you would have seen my following post some weeks back. I haven’t been able to get them off my mind at all! Retailing at SGD $330…
FOX Little Men, Little Miss Collection
**sponsored post** Have you heard? FOX recently introduced a series of limited edition Mr. Men, Little Miss character tees in their new collection. i know! i should have blogged about this earlier! My bad. I have been so caught up with…life. solo parenting, mid-career switch, house warming, being really really sick the past 5 days are just some of the stuff i am dealing with. i never wish to be so sick ever again. i was running really high temperatures for 5 days and seen 3 docs. the medication from the first 2 doctor didnt help, and the husband eventually sent me to the hospital because the temperature has been…
FOX-ed out with Fox Kids and Baby.
*Sponsored post for Fox Kids and Baby* if you didnt already know, my NO. 1 favourite activity is shopping. i grab at any chance to get some shopping done, for anything, or anyone! and what do mums do when they have kids? shop for the kids. its a legitimate reason to shop! it’s a privilege if you ask me! i especially love buying clothes for the kids. cute, tiny clothes does things to me. like… OMG, this i need to grab this… GOSH, this sweater is so cute, i think jerry needs this for the shopping mall..(ya, right?!). I just turn irrational when i see cute clothes that may not even…
st andrews cathedral and chinatown in sydney
after our morning excitement checking out the sydney’s tower eye on day 3 of our trip, we did some light shopping and had lunch. we had full intention of checking off a lot more items on our “to-do” list but the day turned out to be a lot more chilled than we planned it to be. chicken avocado spuds from spuds and crepes for lunch at westfields sydney, which is basically potatoes. shopping for jellybeans as gifts for colleagues. this is such a happy place! there are soooooooo many different jellybean flavors that i couldn’t buy it all despite lugging a lot! (pardon the pixelated pictures, nabbed from my instagram)…
ikea shopping.
we did more shopping for the home over the weekend. we had wanted to check out new bed frames at ikea (the staff told us there are new ones arriving) but we ended with only bowls in our shopping cart. jerome is still sick so he stayed home with my mum who babysat him. lunch at ikea. the kiddo was asleep so we didnt get him anything. we were also looking out for ideas for the detailing so i randomly snapped the following pictures for reference, simply because i liked what i saw or it was that something i wanted to do. then.. i chanced upon this kiddy…
kids bazaar sale at united square..
this morning, i jumped out of bed much later than i expected to and was late in meeting the mummies for our scheduled date. the 2 kiddos slept really late last night and the little one was suffering from congested airway from the cold and cough, so i had a rough night. poor bub. i hope.he gets better soon. anyway, i still went to join the mummies and the throng of people at the kids bazaar sale. the mummies were queuing up before 10am and they sent me this! doesnt these people need to work? so by the time i got there (about 11am).. it was really packed and i…
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