• Jerry goes for the Cold Storage Kids Run 2013!

    if you have met or seen jerry in real life, you will know that i have a very active boy on my hands. he sprints away for some fun the moment an opportunity opens up, or is ever ready for a game of catching where he runs and mummy/daddy chases after him, or around a pillar (he loves the pillar thing!). so we were really excited that Jerry is finally of age to join the cold storage kids run this year! i was pretty sure he’ll be a champ and run ALL the way, judging at how he loves to run, all the time. turns out, things never quite happens…

  • grub restaurant review, grub food review, grub cheeseburger

    mother’s day brunch at GRUB Restaurant.

    GRUB restaurant is like the hottest place to check out lately. it kept appearing on a lot of my friends’ blogs and their IG. with it being so near me.. I just had to check it out so I brought my mum there for a mother’s day brunch. ermm.. having read all the rave reviews.. I think my experience fell a bit flat. 1. queues. I have heard about their no reservation rule so I dragged everyone out at 845am to make it for their opening at 9am. turns out, we parked at the wrong car park so we had to take a little stroll. we reach about 920am and…

  • Jerry turns TWO!

    this year, i feel guilty about NOT PLANNING his birthday celebration. after the huge spongebob party last year (read about the preparations here), we were simply too overwhelmed with the other events of our lives (caring for a new baby, renovations works, overseas biz trip and reservist for der etc) to find time prepping for it. i had grand ideas of giving him a polw celebration in sentosa but realised that i don’t know enough kids to send invitation to (party package starts from 20 kids onwards). so, we did nothing except to plan for a family only celebration, together with my nephew Levon who’s birthday falls on the same…

  • the funny husband

    jerome in a fortress. this scene greeted me this morning in the living room when i emerged from my room. its hilarious!   the husband built a fortress using the cushions on the sofa to enclave the baby. not that the baby can run anywhere though.   and here’s the cheeky one when i woke him up… looking half awake.  its friday already.. are you looking forward to the weekend like me? have a fun one. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • sunday morning swim.

    we packed jerry off to a swim on sunday morning. its been a long while since we brought him to the pool.. thankfully, he can still fit in his bumblebee suit! looking really cute and no idea where he is going.. mega excited once he sees the pool and kept running towards it even before we got ready. *splash* his neck float doesnt quite work anymore.. while it still fits, it wasnt able to hold his weight and he kept drinking water. we need to get him a new float soon! he also refused to sit in the other float and just wants to waddle/jump around the pool! me trying…

  • verbal diarrhea..

    because there is a need to. I realised what i really really missed lately was blogging via my laptop. ever since jerry has started watching the youtube vids on my macbook (i try to keep to those educational ones), i have lost control and usage of it totally. and those are the only pockets of time i really have to spare for blogging. Blogging via the phone is quite frustrating to type (and painfully slow) and i often lose the draft entry when the app crashes (argh!). not to mention that the pictures sizes uploaded are all weird and sometimes crappy (when my image settings miraculously got resetted to default).…

  • joel’s full month.

    Joel and Jerome shared the same edd date. Yh and me were still joking about sharing a double room and playing mahjong cards together if we were to bomb on the same day. heh.   Jerome came earlier than expected at wk 37 & 4 days. Joel decided that he too, wants to join in the fun and popped out 2 days later, the day that I was to be discharged. I got a SMS from yh about her contractions at night when I was going to bed and I told her to monitor. I woke up at 6am and saw her text about her admitting and being in the…

  • our own nest.

    I almost forgotten to blog about this.. with the happenings and fatigue in the past 2 months, with me roughing out my last trimester as a pregnant lady, the childbirth, confinement, preparation of Jerome’s full month party and having my hands full with the 2 kids and being a moo moo cow.   we have finally gotten the keys to our own nest! it actually happened in early Jan so this is pretty late news. here’s some pictures, though everything is rather bare and we have yet to do anything since it’s was nearing CNY and the contractors are usually stop work during this period. our living room, really tiny…

  • an update on the kids and me.

    since the birth of Jerome, life has pretty much been a blur for me. feeding, burping, sleeping, expressing milk, bottle washing, and the likes. I havent have had much energy for anything else really. I remember being very sleep deprived when I had Jerry, with me expressing milk every 2-3 hours. this time round, I have been super lax in this area, expressing only every 4-6hrs.and am in the midst of trying to stretch it longer, but I am equally tired, if not more.   in the last 3 weeks, Jerry also turned 21 months old. the bringing of Jerome home didn’t quite affect Jerry. i guessed it helps that…

  • welcoming 2013!

    we kicked off the start of the new year with an adventure! have been wanting to expose Jerry to more outdoor activities and our mother nature so we took opportunity of the public holiday on 1 Jan and popped to pulau ubin! I originally wanted to head towards macritchie but found out that my cousin’s family is popping over to ubin so I joined them instead! first time on a bumper boat enroute to the island. he’s quite freaked out by the engine noise and crawled into my arms. when he finally got over his fear.. stepping foot on the island! a family shot! daddy can’t open his eyes in…