• Life.

    When one’s depressed, on the brink of a nervous breakdown and feel like you are at your wit’s end and nothing seemed to go right.. You end up doing silly things. Because you couldn’t quite think straight and you just want to end it all. Exactly like how the recent news of the young mother that brought her son to drown with her at the reservoir. I empathize with her. We are the same age. Tipping point. Funny. Tipping point I mean. Reminds me of a book the husband used to read. I think I’m there. At the point, of tipping over. And I thought of a silly act. No.…

  • Random bits of my (non existent) life

    Life as a mother has been nothing but a monotonous cycle… Of feeding, burping, changing diapers, putting baby to sleep, expressing milk, washing bottles and sterilizing them.. And when the cycle ends, before I could find the time to rest, the cycle starts again. How do people actually get any sleep in? There must be help from somewhere to make it possible. Everyone tells me to sleep when I can, I find it hard to find the time to do so! It’s been mentally draining because it means I don’t have time for myself at all, and when I do, I sit around stoning and find myself drifting off to…

  • Happy long weekend!!

    All dressed and ready to enjoy the weekend! This is, and will be the last weekend that I’ll be out and about before the baby pops. Well, I’m one day away from the due date (omg, it’s tomorrow!!) and even if he doesn’t come out, I’ll be induced anyway.. So yup, despite the pains and all.. I am determined to get out and have a nice brunch, dinner and just breathe the outside air for a bit, before the confinement starts. Maybe the walking will help bring on the labour! I seriously don’t want to be induced! Hope you are enjoying your long weekend as well! P.s. This stupid livejournal…

  • My week gone by..

    As of today, I am in my 31st week! Time flies! errrmm.. Even though there are like 9 more weeks to D-day, I think it’s just gonna be earlier so it’s a tad scary when I try to envision it. These days, I don’t feel as good about myself anymore, bad hair days are often here (hair feels limp and flat), my face is pimple-ridden (and no thanks to the fact that I can’t put on my favourite pimple buster gel from clinique because it contains salicylic acid which is a pregnancy no-no), my nose is constantly red like Rudolph the reindeer, I can feel the cramps about to kick…

  • Bad day and bird’s spit.

    I declare today as one of them bad days. I have resigned myself to one of those that will vomit well into the 3rd trimester. I’m about 2 weeks away from that and still vomiting on random days. I get triggered easily by foul smell or some strong smelling food and this morning, I got triggered by someone’s bad breath and spent the whole day feeling sick and pukey. Had to leave work early on the dot to head home and rest. Still feeling sickly now and I don’t think I can stomach anything for today. And my mil sent over some bird’s nest for me! =) Shall take them…

  • Last day of the year..

    On the last day of 2010, I collected a new passport in the morning. Just left the office though everyone else left like 3 hrs ago. I tried to clear more work, do my filing (major backlog) and am off to 2 event set ups for the day. The year sure flew by me. In 2011, I went through a lot of changes work wise, experienced a lot and learnt a lot, prepared for my wedding, got married and now.. I guess in my own personal record book, I managed to achieve quite a bit. I am going to end the year much much poorer than I was, but I…

  • ’tis the season to be merry wrapping..

    2 afternoons and 50+ pressies later.. I’m done with wrapping the Christmas pressies! At least before now.. This batch of presents are only for my colleagues.. I haven’t found the time to buy more presents as yet.. 13 days more to Christmas! Are you excited?! Life has been about clearing my work as fast as I could (speed matters so that I can leave work earlier), sleeping early (the tiredness is still getting to me), battling queasy stomachs (am still puking like no one’s business so much so that I don’t think my stomach has taken in anything but water), and suffering from very very bad migraines. Just last night,…

  • The week just went by!

    The work week flew back and before I realised it, der is back and the weekend is here! Work as usual is hectic, and usually is worse with a party that happened on Friday night. Looks like it’s a blast (but as with all events, hiccups are bound to happen) so I shall just wait and see if there are any comments next week. My team, 50% of it. Unknowingly, my team has grown much! In the past, there were only 6 of us.. Now, there’s 10 people! Anyway, this is a very rare picture taken with my boss. We hardly take pictures! Another shot of the team, we were…

  • It’s raining..

    Love the pitter patter of the rain against the aircon, and yup! I’m back in my own room enjoying my personal sanctuary yet again for the whole of this weekend. The boy had to work yesterday, it was warehouse sale for him yesterday and he had to help out. I wasn’t up to stepping out at all with thy hazy weather so I hid in my own room to hibernate. My favourite activity of the past before becoming a missus. All I did was to drag my mum out to the supermarkets to do the weekly grocery run (need to stock up the fridge for my daily dinner) and I…