• Happy news (food wise)

    After like what seems like forever and ever, the monkey me finally went nuts over bananas. Yay! Feels so good to sink my teeth into these yellow mushy stuff. I swear I could eat 2 bunches at a go. By the way, in case you are curious.. I am born in the year of monkey. Well, went to the doc’s last Saturday and while battling the long queue, hubby and me went to eat breakfast.. After 10 months of deprivation, I have never been happier to slurp these down. Heh. Pure bliss. Ok, after that it was torture because the hollicks was sooo thick and sweet, I almost died of…

  • Reporting live from the hotel.. At Thomson.

    Ok. So I survived through the night of contractions, turning/tossing on my bed. Found out the reason why I was in pain ever since I left the clinic. My gynae already induced me! He inserted a tablet and I tell you, my worse hr was spent at the lobby last night, alternating between pain and finding a comfy position. I was super unglam, but who cares?! The admission procedures took more than 30mins and I survived on my own for that long… And the boy almost had to head home and leave me here, cos there are no more single rooms. He upgraded my room to a premium single! Wah,…

  • The last gynae visit..

    Before jerry pops! Just saw the gynae it’s not looking good! 1cm dilation, I’m just not ripe enough! Am currently being hooked to the ctg machine and I don’t know what he did earlier, but I’m like having bad menstrual cramps lying here. Argh. And being hooked to the ctg machine for the last 40 mins with minimal movement is causing me much distress. I need to move around! Doesn’t help that my throat is irritated and the pain is magnified with each cough. Okie. I have to be induced. Either that, c-sect to get the baby out. Jerry is 3kg and head circumference is 33cm. Am going to try…

  • Still wide awake.

    2 hours after I said good night earlier, I am still wide awake. Heck, I even filed my nails and trimmed my brows in the process and also ate a bowl of kokocrunch cereals. Plus read a couple of blogs, and set up my google reader. I feel sleep deprived. Amidst random contractions that I am feeling. Yawns. I really want to sleep you know, have to wake at 8am tomorrow to vacate the bed (the new mattress is coming) and I need to pop out of the house while it’s being delivered. The mum’s orders. Oh wells. Put me in a slumber soon! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

  • Pregnancy update – 40 weeks & 2 days.

    Ok. Turning 40 weeks and 3 days in a bit while I pen this down and get this post posted… I AM STILL PREGNANT!!! and hanging around waiting! And I wonder why my baby ain’t ready. I didn’t really expect myself to hit full term actually, not especially with all that pelvic pains/discomfort that’s restricting my movement and mobility. Maybe it’s jerry’s way of having me get some rest clocked in before he pops out and create havoc in my calm little world. The funny hubby was lying all the soft toys around and about the bed tonight, all staring into the ceiling, in one tight circle. what are they…

  • The labour day joke.

    I played a cruel joke on my friends on twitterland. Those on my twitter would know! I tweeted some time in the afternoon.. Baby Jerry & me! Haha. That’s the baby Jerry I was referring to. =) I feel a little jealous of my baby, because the hubby readily buy ‘rubbish’ for his son-to-be and I somehow, I feel neglected! I want a present too and since mother’s day is coming, make it TWO! I’m day dreaming, I know. Please don’t slap me awake and maybe, my dream would come true?! (can someone PLEASE go hint my hubby?? Pretty please?!) haha. I wouldn’t mind a rolex, or a macbookpro, or…

  • The home project – muffins baking!

    To kill the boredom and get my mind off things (think pain), I attempt to give myself a to-do list each day, be it improving the current situation that I am in (think room cleaning, toilet scrubbing, rearranging of furniture) or simply something out of the norm, like the recent BBQ and yesterday, I baked! Nice, cute, yummy blueberry muffins. Never mind that it was from a pre-mix and relatively simple and fuss free. The best bit was I had fun, kept myself occupied though I had the queen bee (mum) hovering over me in her territory (kitchen), issuing unnecessary instructions and trying to mess with my baking and my…

  • The hard truth.

    Bump in train. Heavily pregnant but no one gave me a seat. Isn’t life a joke sometimes? I think SMRT should not fine people for eating/drinking in train. They should fine people who hog the reserved seat, for like the longest time, oblivious to their surroundings or people who pretend to sleep. Or see me but ignore. Sigh. The government should instill some policies on public transport too.. If not, how to promote growing birth rate? I’ll think twice if I want the next kid. Seriously, I have been fortunate that my hubby drives (thank goodness for company car!) else, I’ll frown and say no thanks to the next kid.…

  • Week 39 and 3 days – doc’s prescription = sex

    Popped by the gynae again this morning and was a little disappointed. In the past, I look forward to the gynae visits so that I can see Jerry on the ultrasound machine. These days, I look forward to the visits hoping that the doc will say.. Oh, you should admit into hospital for delivery. Of cos, that didn’t happen which explains my disappointment. Haha. Baby’s weighing 2.9kg today, just 100grams heavier than last week..Seems a little small! Is it the fact that I stopped taking the multivits and fish oil? Somehow, they spoil my appetite and I usually end up vomiting on the days I do remember to take them…

  • the long weekend and my grouses.

    just so.. i am bored! spent the day napping around, reading blogs, eating and managing the pain. it is getting worse by the day and i wonder if Jerry’s gonna pop soon! it’s not so much about the pain that’s getting to me, it’s the frustration of immobility and the fact that i can’t seemed to do simple tasks that frustrates me to no end these days, like how it takes triple the amount of time for me to walk to the kitchen and get myself a glass of water to drink. and also the fact the things seemed to go a little slow-mo for the active me. i’m seriously…